




Written by Dr D.K. Olukoya, General Overseer, MFM worldwide




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MFM topic for Sat 27 August 2022: by their fruits







WELCOME to MFM Devotional, 27/08/22


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

1. A mighty Fortress is our God,
A Bulwark never failing;
Our Helper He amid the flood
Of mortal ills prevailing:
For still our ancient foe
Doth seek to work us woe;
His craft and power are great,
And, armed with cruel hate,
On earth is not his equal.

2. Did we in our own strength confide,
Our striving would be losing;
Were not the right Man on our side,
The Man of God’s own choosing:
Dost ask who that may be?
Christ Jesus, it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His Name,
From age to age the same,
And He must win the battle.

3. And though this world, with devils filled,
Should threaten to undo us,
We will not fear, for God hath willed
His truth to triumph through us:
The Prince of Darkness grim,
We tremble not for him;
His rage we can endure,
For lo! his doom is sure,
One little word shall fell him.

4 That word above all earthly powers,
No thanks to them, abideth;
The Spirit and the gifts are ours
Through Him who with us sideth:
Let goods and kindred go,
This mortal life also;
The body they may kill:
God’s truth abideth still,
His Kingdom is forever.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Chronicles 29, 2 Chronicles 30, 2 Chronicles 31:1, 2 Corinthains 1:12-22, Psalm 103:13-22

2 Timothy 2:19 “Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let everyone that nameth the name of Christ departs from iniquity.”

Fruits are known by the trees that produce them, be it good or bad.

May your life bring forth fruits of righteousness, in the name of Jesus.

FIRE SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 1:5-11

27/08/22 MESSAGE:

Jesus was so clear in making the point on false prophets and the like. In the imagery of a farmer, as He usually did, He explained how good trees will automatically produce good fruits and same with bad trees. He went on to emphasise the fact that trees will always produce their kind, and not otherwise.


The apple tree will not grow grapes. What you sow is what you reap!


What is the lesson here? No amount of pretence or hypocritical Christianity will make people believe that you are not what you claim to be. You may deceive men, but there is God who rule in the affairs of men. He sees and knows the mind of men. He judges the intents and not just your actions.


Too many people are proclaiming themselves to be who they are not. God is not interested in activities and parades. Rather He delights in your daily growth and transformation, producing and manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit which is able to make you more like Jesus in every area of your life. What fruits do you bring forth as a Christian?


Fruits of sin and iniquity? Fruits of falsehood, deception, hatred, envy, malice, bitterness, anger, pride and the likes. Or do you bring forth the fruits of righteousness, holiness unto the Lord: love, joy and peace of the Lord. God cannot be deceived. If you’re fruitful, He will make you more productive; but if you bring forth bad fruits, such lives shall be cut off and cast into fire of destruction. This shall not be your lot, in Jesus’ name.


Remember, Ananias and Sapphira were among the early believers. They saw how committed others were in giving all they had up for God and for the benefit of the brethren. Yet, because of the fruit of selfishness and greediness, they lied to the Holy Spirit. Even the plea of Peter could not make them change their minds, though numbered among the brethren, yet had “another spirit”. No wonder they were easily known by their fruit, and they received the judgement of instant death.


As you read this devotion, there is still hope. Simply decide to make a change. Refuse to be one of those who will hear these pathetic words from the Lord; “Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I know ye not”. Jesus knows His sheep and they know Him. Make your heart right with the Master and you shall bring forth good fruits which shall abide in the Lord, in Jesus’ name.




1.   I repent of every falsehood, in the name of Jesus.

2.   Spirits of hypocrisy and deception, I am no longer your slave, lose your grip on me and die, in the name of Jesus,

3.   Lord my God, have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus.


1.   I shall not bring forth bad fruits, in the name ofJesus.

2.   Blood of Jesus, purge and cleanse my heart of every demonic debris of lies and pretense, in the name of Jesus.

3.   Father Lord, create a new head in me, in the name of Jesus.

4.       I receive my deliverance and I declare myself a tree of righteousness and a planting of the Lord, in the name Of Jesus.

Special Notice by
Salvation of your soul is very vital to God.

Beloved Reader, Remember! John 3:3 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless ye are born again, ye cannot see the kingdom of God.”

If you are ready to give your life to Christ Jesus, please pray the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I confess all my sin, have mercy on me, forgive me all my sin. Lord Jesus come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to set me free. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation! Congratulations! You are now born again. You need to belong to a Bible-Believing Church where you can know more. For testimonies, counselling or prayer requests, write or call:, +234 (0)808 770-0112 ; OR +234(0)8164028731.

Weekly Activities: Sunday Worship Service, 7am to 10am. Bible Study: 5-7pm. Wednesday Revival/Manna Water Service:4.30pm to 7pm. Every Friday, Prayer Rain (except Friday before PMCH) in Prayer City.

Monthly Programme: First Saturday of every month; Power Must Change Hands (PMCH)7am to 9am.


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