March 14, 2025

DAY 9: QUENCHING THE RAGE, a programme of MFM International Headquarters, Saturday 15 January 2022




Quenching the rage by Dr. D.K Olukoya, G. O MFM worldwide


QUENCHING THE RAGE is annual MFM praying programme. As this programme brought uncountable all-round breakthroughs in past years, this 2022 edition will likewise usher you into abundant unforgettable testimonies in Jesus name.

The prayers are to be prayed between 12:00 am and 12:15 am.

DAY 9: Saturday, January 15, 2022

Confessions: Psalm 2:1-12

Aggressive Praise Worship.


113. Anything in our lives as a church, that is irritating God, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

114. Holy Spirit, fill our members and leaders with Your fire, in the name of Jesus.

115. O God, arise and shake this church. Dethrone those to be dethroned, incapacitate those to be incapacitated, humble those to be humbled, promote those to be promoted and exalt those to be exalted, in the name of Jesus.

116. O God, arise and walk into this church. Whip the profane ministers, moneychangers, selfish and ambitious men, and all that have turned this church to a place of merchandising and showmanship, in the name of Jesus.

117. O Lord, draw me out of every pit of sorrow and trouble, in the name of Jesus.

118. Powers benefiting from my suffering, lose your power over my life, in the name of Jesus.

119. O Lord, never let me use pity to surrender what is precious to me, either physically or spiritually, in the name of Jesus.

120. Every internal battle preparing to open doors to external battles, O Lord set them ablaze, in the name of Jesus.

121. Every evil river flowing to take away my blessings during sleep or in my dream, dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus.

122. O Lord, shut the door against every weakness in the lives of people that surround me which the devil wants to use to pull me down, in the name of Jesus.

123. Battles that sank the previous warriors, that is preparing to fight me, O Lord, make them sink, in the name of Jesus.

124. Evil occurrences that happened to the previous warriors in my line, and have turned themselves to a curse, O Rock of Ages, smash them to pieces, in the name of Jesus.

125. O Lord, chase every spirit of Belial out of the people that surround me, in the name of Jesus.

126. Warrior spirit sleeping in me, arise and manifest, in the name of Jesus.