Topic: Who Am I? (A Teaching Series – Part 4)
14 February 2021
Ministering: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)
Anchored Scriptures: James 1:17, John 3:27
To be studied personally, as advised by Daddy G.O: Judges 13
We continue with our topic, which we have been looking at for some weeks now, and which has changed so many lives. And we have received so many letters of revelations that people had about their lives and they didn’t understand it.
Who Am I? A very key question, a question you need to answer as quickly as possible before life draws too long.
Let me read two scriptures this morning. The first one is James 1:17. Please, pay close attention to this deep scripture.
John 3:27. Let’s put those two scriptures together a little bit.
God gives gift to all men. There is no gift-less person that God has put in the world here, and those gifts come from above.
Meaning that as you’re sitting down there, you have your own gifting inside. Gift comes from above. The fact that the Bible is saying ‘above, from heaven’; it is qualifying those gifs. Meaning that the gift could come also from below, the gifs could come from the earth here or even from your enemies.
You could be in a very good position, but God has no hand in it. The fact that it is a good idea, it does not mean it is a ‘God idea’. You can occupy your hands with the gifts from below, so that your hands is not able to hold the gift from above.
That thing that you’re holding in your hand and you think it is important, heaven might have concluded it as ‘nothing’.
Now comes the key question, part of why you should be praying the prayer ‘who am I’: do you have your gifts of heaven in your hands? Because gifts from above, they add no sorrow to them. Gifts from above are those gifts that last.
This is why it’s important to keep praying these prayers:
* O God, show me the secrets of my life
* O God show me who I am
* O God, show me myself
* Show my house to my house
* Let the secrets of God be in my tabernacle
It’s important to be praying these prayers. The more you pray, the more you will discover. The more you pray, things will come to light. This is a very very serious situation, and I want you to understand this very well.
The story of a man, shared by Daddy G.O:
A man prayed this prayer seriously, because he had the houses, he had cars, he had many things working for him; but no woman was interested in marrying him in spite of the money he had and the good looks and everything. It seems as if he smells to them. That drove him to into this kind of prayer: ‘O Lord, show me the secrets of my life’. He prayed for 7 days. Some prayers take one minute, some two minutes, some one hour; before you begin to see things.
He prayed seven days. All of a sudden, God opened his eyes; and somebody stood at his front, and the person said: ‘Number one, a short lady jumped out from his stomach, then the lady grew to become an adult’, ‘Number two, another one followed’, ‘Number three, another one followed’, ‘Number four, another followed’, ‘Number five, another one followed’.
So, five short ladies started growing up to adults and they came out of his loins (from his stomach), and they looked at him and said ‘you’re already married, and we are your wives’. It was then it dawned on him that there is a problem.
* I’m praying for somebody here today, that every hidden covenant, everything that is unconscious to your knowledge, but that the enemy knows and is now using it to cage your destiny; those things shall be buried alive this morning in the name of Jesus!
The story of another brother, by Daddy G.O:
I remember many many years back, before the Lord started the mountain of fire and miracles ministry. There is a brother I use to jokingly call ‘brother mirror’. When I say ‘brother mirror’, he will say ‘God bless you Sir’, but it’s only me and him that understood what brother mirror meant. He got married to this lady, and when they went for engagement/introduction; the father of the wife said ‘in this family, they don’t collect anything from anybody, but you will collect something from us and put that thing under your bed. That is all we require’.
He told the father in-law that he brought yam, the father in-law insist he doesn’t want any thing but the man should take the parcel for him. He took the parcel and that’s how he got married., he put it under his bed.
Right from the first night that thing landed under his bed, anytime he slept; he finds himself roaming around in the cemetery. He will roam around in the cemetery all night until he wakes up, and that was going on everyday, everyday, everyday and he was gradually becoming insane.
It was this prayer he prayed, ‘O God arise, and show me the secrets of my life, show me my beneficial secrets’. He prayed, all of sudden; he heard a voice ‘mirror’. He will pray again, when he keeps quiet; he will hear ‘mirror’. He didn’t understand, and for three days; the voice was saying ‘mirror’. It was then he came to me and told me the revelation and the voice saying ‘mirror’.
Daddy G.O asked how he got married. He now described it. They gave you something to put under your bed, he said ‘yes’. Did you ever open the parcel to see what it is? He said ‘no, the man didn’t say I should open it’. I asked him to go and bring it and he brought the parcel. He opened it up, as this gift was wrapped with a present. When he opened it up, it was a mirror. With that mirror, they subjected him to slavery every night in the tomb.
Can you raise up your right hand and declare this with violence and power:
* Powers that wants me to be a slave, you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus!
This is 2021, a year of the valley. The Lord also called this year:
– A season of horse men and war horses,
– A year of the strong,
– The bold,
– The brave,
– The victorious,
– And the triumphant
– The year of conquest
There will be storms, contrary winds; but the Lord is ready to develop spiritual muscles for His children, and to give them wind breakers through the warfare.
And like we said late last year, the Lord has activated the spirit of the Lion of the tribe of Judah to enable us roar and intimidate the enemy and reduce them to their size.
That is why I’m praying for someone here:
* Every utterance from the coven against you, to silence you, is silenced forever in the name of Jesus!
* Every wicked conspiracy against your destiny, is scattered in the name of Jesus!
* All those who are against you, the Lord will plaster their faces with shame in the name of Jesus
– Who am I?
– How do I see myself?
– How does God see me?
– What does God think about me?
– What did God write in His book about me, when He sent me to this planet?
These are questions that requires very deep thinking. The answer to these questions will impact all areas of your life, including your work, your career, who you marry, where you go. It will impact how you relate with others. It will impact how you respond to life situations and ultimately where you spend eternity.
a) Your life is not what others are thinking about you.
b) Your life is not what you see in the mirror every time.
c) Your life is not what talent or ability that you have.
d) Your life is not what your family is saying about you.
e) Your life is what God has written down that you will have to come and do here.
You must realize that I’ve been emphasizing for weeks now, that we are intentionally made. Nobody is a mistake, nobody is an accident. God is a giver of life and He never make mistakes. You’re not a mistake, you’re not an accident; you’re an intentional creation of God. Who am I? We all ought to answer this question very well.
Many people do not know who they are or even, why they exist. Take Jacob in the Bible. If you look at Jacob, you will see a very successful business man with abundant possessions, happy family and lots of employees. On the surface, it looked like Jacob was doing very well; on the surface, it looks as if he’s enjoying himself. But in reality, Jacob himself knew that he was not in a place of rest.
If a prophet began to pray for Jacob, or Jacob himself began to pray to God to show him the secret of his life; the Lord would have taken Jacob straight, back to the womb of his mother when they were struggling inside his mother’s womb. There was turbulence in the womb of the woman, and the woman ran to a prophet. The prophet said ‘two nations are in the womb, and two people are within you, one will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger. And so Jacob held the heel of his brother when they were coming out. He went and told a lie that he is Esau when he’s not Esau. That is why the angel had to ask him ‘what is your name’.
Everybody will get to a place in their life and face that reality. So, Jacob had to wrestle with God to come to that understanding of who exactly he was.
Who am I?
What are my beneficial secrets?
What are the secrets that will move me forward?
If you get home, read Judges 13. We have plenty of prayers to pray here this morning. God had decided, to deliver the Israelites from the Philippines. And an angel of God was despatched to Mrs. Manoah, the mother of Samson. The angels gave her pre natal precautions. The angel said ‘you will get pregnant, but you must not eat anything unclean, you must not drink wine’. They ban the woman from doing many things.
So, whether the prophecy of Samson will come to pass or not, it was going to depend on that woman.
What am I trying to explain to you slowly? There are conditions, sometimes attached to each life; these are the condition..
This child should never be taken to the house of witch doctor, this child should not be allowed to drink alcohol. Those are the conditions, those are the secrets.
Supposing this woman did something else, supposing she didn’t listen to the angels; strange, that plan will have failed and the child will now be born contrary to prophecy.
The tragedy is this beloved, there is a lot of people moving around; who have been born contrary to the prophecy that brought them. If that woman refuse to do what was required of her to do, that would have been the end of that destiny.
You may then begin to ask questions that:
1. Is it that something is impossible to God?
2. Why should God allow Himself to be hindered by food consumed by one woman?
3. Why should a spiritual complication arise because of consumption of food?
Even science tells us that substances eaten by a pregnant woman, they get to the child. So, if that could happen physically, it could also happen spiritually.
* Will you by any chance know what your mother ate or drank while you were in the womb?
* Do you know where she went?
* Do you know that a lot of our parents.do very ignorant things that eventually affects destinies?
Sometimes, this is why some people are born in very strange manners, and this problems lay dormant for years, and nobody knows what is causing it.
Not knowing that some precautions that was given, was dismissed, disobeyed, or the person is completely unaware. I’m saying this now, so you will, need where your prayers will head to.
If a destiny has already been defied from the womb, the person has already been attacked from the womb, the regulation the person suppose to follow has been disobeyed from the womb; you will need prayers to get back to your position, you will need prayers to understand what is going on, you will need prayers to know who God exactly wants you to be.
* O Lord, show me who I am.
* Show me the beneficial secret of my life
* Let you secret be in my tabernacle.
The story of another lady, shared by Daddy G.O:
There was another lady some time ago, She got married and all medical test was okay. Husband was okay, she too was okay. The doctors were confused and they didn’t know what to advise them to do again. It was then she came across this MFM prayers, herself and her husband began to pray. And the only revelation they get is a bottle turned upside.
They prayed, and for years; they were seeing that bottle. They didn’t understand what the bottle meant, until they came to talk about the bottle.
I said ‘okay, wife; go back to your parent and try and tell them if they know anything about a bottle’. She went to her parent, and the first time she went to see them, the father who was a very old man; could not recollect anything. The second time they went, the man suddenly remembered and this was what happened.
Because she was a very beautiful girl, and the father did not want her to get pregnant in school; he consulted a witch doctor. The witch doctor said, ‘no problem’. He gave the father a bottle, to keep somewhere and turn it upside down, and no matter who sleeps with her; she will never get pregnant. The witch doctor gave a condition that on her wedding day, the father must make sure he turns the bottle the right way up. The man completely forgot, the bottle remained upside down and I saw the bottle.
It was then miracles began to happen.
I’m praying that the secret that will catapult your destiny, the secret that will move you from this level to the level that God wants you to be; the power of God will reveal it unto you in the name of Jesus!
This is where we are stopping today, we continue next time.
Prayer points:
During Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:
1. Powers assigned to make me a slave, you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus!
2. Covenant of ‘thou shalt not go far’, break in the name of Jesus!
After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:
Rise to your feet now. It is time for destiny changing prayers. There is a room to talk about things, there is a room to pray about things. And this kind of topic that we are dealing with, requires much prayers. All eyes closed. These prayers, they are secret revealing prayers, destiny changing prayers. You are to pray them the gethsemane style, meaning the whole of your body knows that you’re praying. Can I hear you shout this loud and clear after me:
3. Constant battles rising against the solution to my problems, die in the name of Jesus!
4. Powers of the grave of my father’s house, that says my glory will never speak; what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus!
5. Every failure waiting for me in the future, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
6. Plantations of witchcraft in my foundation, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
7. The key of my future, in the hands of wicked elders; I recover you by fire in the name of Jesus!
8. Powers assigned to make me be at the mercy of my enemies, die in the name of Jesus!
9. Powers looking for the secret of my joy, run mad and die in the name of Jesus!
10. Every bitter handwriting on my breakthroughs, blood of Jesus; wipe them away in the name of Jesus!
11. To be shouted 10 times: My enemies must bow to my glory in the name of Jesus!
12. Powers turning the works of my hands to battles, die in the name of Jesus!
13. Grip your head with your two hands: Every witchcraft trap against my head, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
14. Grip your head with your two hands: Any handwriting of death on my forehead, blood of Jesus; wipe them away in the name of Jesus!
15. To be prayed three hot times: Hot tempered idol, attacking my virtues; be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus!
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