Dr Obed Ofili
In fresh attempt to find lasting solutions to the current issues on perceived marginalisation of women in active politics and other areas of life, allcitynews.ng sought the take of technocrat, Dr Obed Ofili, a Bible Teacher, Leadership Development Strategist, Spiritual Intelligence Coach, and Author for his view. Excerpts:
Thank you for giving me the privilege to lend my voice on issues affecting womenhood in our nation.
I will like to begin by commenting on the theme of the recently celebrated International Women’s Day, ‘Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.’ Though it was specifically a call for climate action for women, by women, it echos the quest for gender equality, which has over the years been one of the most difficult conudrums in leadership and governance especially in developing countries of the world.
My submission is that men and women are equal. This is based on the truth that they are both made in the image of God, and are regarded as equal partners in the fulfillment of God’s dominion mandate, which is a leadership mandate.
Ahead of 2023: I want your take on women participation in politics.
Politics is regarded as the activities associated to the governance of a country. Ahead of 2023, I call on all Nigerians, women in particular, to take participation in politics serious. Besides the fact that it is one of their civic responsibilities, it is a feasible way of fulfilling their God given dominion or leadership mandate.
Employment, most women are involved in farming or trading but they are not given chance in labour unionism and politics, what is your suggested solutions?
I outrightly agree that “most” women are not given chance in labour unionism and politics, and one of the reasons is that these platforms (unionism and politics), are perceived in most African cultures as belonging to men. To address the issue, therefore, we need to
disabuse this mindset and give women, not only the chance to participate in these two fields, but also the support required for success.
Women are known to be mothers of the nation, that training a woman today will mean training a nation, don’t you think women should be given chance to prove their wealth of experience especially as men have failed in offering good governance.
First of all, that training a woman will mean training a nation is true. The first reason is that when you train a woman, directly or indirectly, she will be able to make meaningful contributions to the nation’s development. Second is that at the home front, through training, she is better prepared to produce better leaders for the nation.
I must emphasize that good leadership or governance is not predicated on gender. The key determinants of successful leadership and governance, especially in a VUCA world, are essentially character and competence. Woman who have excelled in these two areas should be given the chance to provide good
Women inclusion should be made mandatory with certain seats allocated to them. What is your take?
This is sincerely a welcome idea. Quota system should be implemented to make room for women participation in politics. Rwanda took this salvific step some years ago. Why not Nigeria?
Do you think having female governor or female senate leader is achievable dream in Nigeria?
Currently, heads of six top Nigerian banks are women. Besides, a woman has served as a past governor of the Central bank of Nigeria. So, in terms of competence women are qualified.
Considering factors like political god fatherism, thugrism, bribery and corruption, and so on, the idea appears impossible. However, it is achievable given time!
What is your take on this. And what is your advice to FG on tackling insecurity etc.
The Federal government of Nigeria does not lack the knowledge of what to do and how to do them. They are simply not doing these things because of primarily, focus on political interest. Other reasons are lack of political will, ethnical and religious considerations, bribery and corruption, an so on.
I advise them to fulfill their responsibilities, one of which is to make the country a safe and better place for all Nigerians. If not, the leadership has failed.
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