March 15, 2025



That the country is going through tough time may not be news to anyone.

The fresh news is that inside the hard time and the economic instability,
there is one which can give you, reading this message right now, peace, rest of mind, abundant blessing in the midst of the hard time.

Have you not known that a life, family or nation without Christ is in crisis already? 

That source of peace even in the midst of hard time, is Jesus Christ.

Or haven’t you known that among his promises which cannot fail, which can be found in John 14 v 27 says:- “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Know that Jesus Christ is the only way and he is the only solution to all your heart desires.

Though many are facing depression and other problems because of the situations facing humanity, there is solution in Christ Jesus, you can give him a trial by allowing him into your heart today, you will definitely know that he is able to make way of comfort for you.

If he did it and still doing for me, then, he will not fail when it got to your turn.

But you need, first to make him, your Lord and personal Saviour. This is the first step for the enjoyment of his goodness.

In case you are yet to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Master, I will advise you to do so as you are reading this message right now. He is willing to accept you and forgive you all your sins.

If you are ready for salvation of your soul, please pray this prayer,

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I repent and confess all my sin. Please forgive me all my sin. Accept me as your son/daughter. Give me grace to sin no more. Write my name in the Book of Life, in the name of Jesus. Thank You for saving me.

Congratulation. You are now Born Again, if truly you prayed the prayer from your heart.

For you to know more about Christ Jesus, you can look for any Bible-believing Church or look for Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) around. God bless you.

Prayer point:

1. Any power assigned to quench my faith & confidence in Word of God, your time is up, I bind you, release me, die, in Jesus name.

2. I bind you power of evil thoughts, evil imaginations, evil expectations, assigned against me, wherever you now, loose your holds, release me, die in name of Jesus.

3. Anything in me that wants to drag me to hell fire, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.

4. Any power assigned against my progress in life, your time is up, release me, die by fire in the name of Jesus.

5. Where is the Lord God of Elijah! Arise catapult me to my divine helpers, in the name of Jesus.

6. Fire of Deliverance, arise, in the name of Jesus, deliver me from  hardship, in the name of Jesus.

7. God of Favour, overshadow my life, in the name of Jesus.

Your spiritual growth and deliverance is our concern. You can contact us via for more prayer.

Until we come your way again, remain blessed in the name of Jesus.