By Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, General Superintendent, Deeper Life Bible Ministry worldwide



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WELCOME to DCLM Devotional for 05/05/22

It is advisable you read the text first

TEXT:LUKE 12:13-31

KEY VERSE: And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth” (LUKE 12:15).

Leo Tolstoy once wrote a story about a successful peasant farmer who wanted more of everything. One day, he received a novel offer. For 1,000 rubles, he could own all the land and walk around in a day. The only catch in the deal was that he had to be back at his starting point by sundown. Early the next morning, he started out walking at a fast pace. By midday, he was very tired, but kept going, covering more ground. Well into the afternoon, he realised his greed had taken him far from the starting point. He quickened his pace as the sun began to sink low in the sky. He began to run, knowing that if he could not make it to the starting point, the opportunity to become an even bigger landholder would be lost. Gasping for breath, he kept running until he got to the starting point where he collapsed and eventually died.

While answering a question by someone about dividing inheritance, Jesus warned against covetousness. He backed up His teaching with a story of a greedy man, who had to pull down his barn to make space for a bigger one to store his goods after a bountiful harvest. Trusting in his store of goods, he relaxed, thinking he has amassed enough to last him a lifetime. Suddenly, he died and left everything behind. Jesus ended by encouraging us not to worry over what to eat, drink or wear. We should seek first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added to us.

Little is much when God is in it. Satisfaction and happiness comes from God. We should, therefore, accommodate Him in all our pursuits and plans.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Your soul is more important than anything.



The folly of pursuing earthly treasures

1. The misplaced priority

a. Jesus just finished rebuking the Pharisees of the danger of falling into unforgivable sins, v10.

b. The next thing that the man did was to invite Jesus to come and divide their inheritance for them, v13.

c. Jesus rebuked him and said that was not part of His ministry on earth, v14.

d. Jesus immediately discerned his heart that he must have being deceived by covetousness, v15. “Beware of covetousness…”, Jesus told him.

a. Can we say the man attentively listened and understood the message of Jesus on unforgivable sins with this kind of question he asked?

b. What do you think was the preoccupation of the mind of this man when he came to listen to Jesus?

Are there not many church goers today that go to the house of God because of material and physical needs only and could not concentrate on the word of God? Haven’t many people turned the house of God to a house of merchandise and business opportunities?

The message of Jesus for such people is “beware of covetousness”, v15.

2. The Master’s parable:
a. “A man’s life does not consists in the abundance of things he possess” v15.
What does this mean?

i. A man’s life may be enriched by his possessions when rightly acquired and wisely dispensed, but the abundance of wealth does not necessary add value to a person’s quality of life. Never think those who have abundance are really enjoying life and peace more than those who just have enough.

ii. The Bible says that abundance of money without God centredness only adds sorrows to people’s life, I Timothy 6:8,9.
iii. If the divine philosophy of Jesus seems not convincing, we ask, how far did the abundance of Solomon added to his quality of life? He called it “vanity of vanities”.

b. The parable of Jesus shows the folly of accumulating wealth for the sake of it, vv16-21.

i. He did not have plan to spend his wealth to help humanity or the work of God.

ii. He did not even have the plan to better the life of those working for him.

iii. His family was not also in his plan.
iv. A life of ease and pleasure was his preoccupation, v18,19.

v. He did not acknowledge the source of His wealth as God and the Owner of his life but attributed it to his smartness, v18.

vi. The iminence of death and the thought of eternity was not his consideration, vv18-20.

vii. Investment into eternal things and God’s work was out of his agenda, v21.
viii. God Himself called him a fool that should not be allowed to live long because he was only good for himself and nobody else, vv20,21.

Are you better than the rich man in the parable.

3. The meaningful philosophy
a. If God can be diligently caring to make sure no raven died of hunger, how much of human beings whom He created in His image?, v24.

b. If God could give you daily life miraculously, will giving a lesser miracle of food be difficult for Him?, v22.

c. Can worrying ever bring a miracle of provision?, v25.

d. The plant kingdom were given good and green beautiful covering by God. Will God do that for plants and not provide clothing for humans?, v28.

e. Which one should then be man’s primary pursuit? The God of all provision or the worrisome pursuit of earthly things that even only God can give?, vv29,30.

Is seeking God your priority or seeking His earthly blessings?

Lord, I praise you for the understanding I received from your word on the vanity of seeking earthly abundance above You.

Whereever my heart has gone after covetousness, deliver me and bring my heart to the pursuit of the love of Jesus.

Lord, help me to always factor eternity and the reality of imminent death into my plans and ambitions.

Lord, purge away the spirit of covetousness that is dominating both the pew and the pulpit in these last days.

HYMN Nothing between.(GHS 86)


Salvation of your soul is very vital to God.

Beloved Reader, Remember! John 3:3 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless ye are born again, ye cannot see the kingdom of God.”

If you are ready to give your life to Christ Jesus, please pray the displayed prayer below in faith:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I confess all my sin, have mercy on me, forgive me all my sin. Lord Jesus come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer of salvation! Congratulations! You are now born again. You need to belong to a Bible-Believing Church where you can know more. For testimonies, counselling, prayer requests:
write to HELP LINES: +234(8157991934, 8157991936, 8157991937) or ltm@deeperlifeonline.org.
Beware! This Scripture: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold,” Matt 24:12, is happening in our days.
Our prayer is: any power or any problem that will kill our love for God, blood of Jesus shall destroy and flush them away from us, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Thank you for your patient with us. And thank you for all your comments, observations, feedbacks and time spent on this platform. We cherish your presence here.

Beloved! We are in perilous time when kidnappings, banditry and other vices have become daily occurrences. But the Lord is saying, do not be afraid! Be strong in the Lord! Be bold & be courageous!

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you shall not be a victim to whatever calamity flying around by day or by night, in the name of Jesus, Amen!




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