Labour demands immediate unconditional release of Comrade Eleojo Opaluwa



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We are reliably informed that at about 14.00 hours on Sunday, August 4, 2024, Com. Opaluwa who is a staff of the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) left his house in Maraba, Nasarawa state, and he has not returned to his home since then.

According to the statement by the Acting General Secretary, Comrade Dominic Igwebike, Opaluwa was confirmed to have been was whisked away by security personnel in their vehicles (one Hilux and a golf) to an unknown destination.

Furthermore, on that same faithful Sunday 4th August at about 17.00 hours, some security personnel in a Toyota Jeep went to our liaison office at Area 8, Garki, to ask after Com. Opaluwa.

Moreover, Igwebike stated that, on August 8, 2024, at about 17.30 hours. Com. Opaluwa was brought to his office by some security officers to search our office, denying him access to talk with his colleagues, and then whisked him out again.

We have tried every effort to reach him on the phone but all to no avail. We visited some police stations at Maraba and environs, but they denied having him in their custody.

We contacted our lawyer to write to the National Security Adviser to the President, intimating to him of the predicament of Comrade Opaluwa where he is denied access to his lawyer, family, and freedom of movement amongst other rights.

Furthermore, we are also reliably informed that Com. Opaluwa was arrested and detained by security personnel at the IRT.

We hereby demand without further delay the immediate release of Com. Opaluwa Eleojo who has been illegally detained since August 4, 2024 till date. This is a flagrant abuse of his rights as a citizen of Nigeria.