Amidst uncertainty over New National Minimum Wage, ASCSN boss decries delay by BAT  ‌







That President Bola Ahmed Tinubu announced removal of fuel subsidy is no longer news to everyone.


The fresh news is that organised Labour has expressed worries over the inability of the masses to enjoy the dividends one year after the removal of the subsidy.

Likewise, they lamented against the gradual delay in announcement of the New National Minimum Wage as the old National Minimum Wage of N30,000 expired last month, April 2024. Noting that the delay in announcement of its own payment after Labour has presented it’s own side of N615,000 was anti-masses act.


Pointing out that it is realistically for Nigerian workers to be treated with dignity through decent and living wage, as the main brain for the actualization of all government policies, Nigerian workers ought to be given the best since the current economic realities whereby a month salary cannot buy a bag of rice is unthinkable and unspeakable.

Concerned that one year after the purpose of the removal, which among other things are meant to boost more revenue for the federal, state, and local governments to share, has remained elusive, Labour is preparing its mobilisation mechanism to tackle government.


Hence the President of Association of Senior Civil Servants (ASCSN), Comrade (Dr) Tommy Etim Okon cited the pains the masses are going through based on the subsidy removal as another reason for their planned battle.

In his message in the just National Executive Council (NEC)
of ASCSN the Okon expressed his displeasure over the hardship the masses have been thrown into, adding that the removal has not only pushed more Nigerians into poverty levels but also even infrastructure has remained sorry state due to the mismanagement of the accrued revenues by the various tiers of government.


Still expressing his disappointment with the heavy load government is piling on the heads of the masses, Okon demanded for proper accountability by NNPC Limited and charged them to make Nigerians know the true state of things.


“We want them to tell if subsidy is still being paid. We are concerned marketers are still crying over yet unpaid amount. We want to know the true state of things. Is payment of subsidy still on or where are we now?”


Similarly, Okon also demanded the immediate reversal of the hike in electricity tariff and withdrawal of planned cyber security levy, noting that is another burden being pushed on shoulders of the masses.


Okon said, “With the removal of petroleum subsidy by President Bola Tinubu in May last year, there were expectations that Nigerians would be better for it as the policy would free up financial resources for other sectors whereby our own refineries will be made to work.


“BAT promised that Port Harcourt refinery will work by April, but now we are in May, yet government is still battling with importation of fuel. The cabals within and around NNPC should be exposed.”

Reiterating his concern, he lamented that the goal of the fuel subsidy removal which was also expected to increase employment opportunities, channel funds for the development of critical public infrastructure, reduce the budget deficit, reduce government borrowing, curb corruption associated with fuel subsidy payments, is being defeated, as a result.


Unfortunately, these expectations appear to have been dashed one year as the exorbitant cost of living brought by the current hike in fuel prices, coupled with the mismanagement of the accrued revenues, has pushed more Nigerians into poverty.



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